Monday, April 12, 2010

Types of Dog Training -- Which Method Will Be Effective For Your Dog?

Since you're trying to train your dog, it's important to understand the different types of dog training that are available. Knowing this information will help you make an informed decision as to the type of training you want to use with your own pet. There are naturally ups and downs to each method, so this is an essential step.

Training with rewards is an incredibly popular method. Basically, whenever your dog does something correctly, you reward the him with a treat. You want him to recognize that when he does something good, he will get something good in return. It can be difficult to be consistent with the treats, so if you choose this method you need to be sure to stay consistent.

Choke collar training is another method, though it is controversial. When the dog pulls away, the collar will have a choking effect. When they are walking correctly, it will be loose and comfortable. The thought is that will train your dog to behave correctly. Some people do not like this type of collar because it can result in injury.

Dog whispering is a training method that many people are intrigued by. It is all about communicating more effectively with your pet, and noticing his body language so you can determine what your dog needs and wants. This type of communication can be a highly successful training tool.

Clicker training is another method that is very effective, and it has its roots in psychology. Basically, the clicker will be paired with something, such as a treat. The dog will initially expect the treat. They get a treat and hear the clicker -- Eventually, the dog associates the clicker noise with doing something good, and the treat can be eliminated.

Whistle training is also very popular. It is an ultrasonic whistle that a dog can hear, but humans cannot. This can be a little difficult to use, so it's important to be trained to use the whistle so it is as effective as possible.

Training your dog is undoubtedly a difficult task, and even a little bit intimidating if you are not sure how to go about it. Examine these different types of dog training methods and decide what you think will work best for you. Then, it's very important to educate yourself as much as possible so you're able to start a training program and follow through with it through completion. This will lead to a happy, healthy life with your dog.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Train Your Dog Yourself, or Hire a Trainer?

There are many people who have a new dog, and are at a loss as to what to do about training. Not training your dog can lead to a variety of problems, and to make life miserable for both of you. Clearly, there is a need for training -- but should you hire a trainer?

There many positives to hiring a dog trainer. First of all, you'll have contact with someone who has experience and has successfully trained dogs before. This can cut down on the time it takes for your dog to be trained -- and they can cut down on the amount of work that you need to do. While you definitely need to be involved, the trainer will train you as well to make your life easier.

Unfortunately, hiring a dog trainer can be very expensive. Rates vary widely depending on where you go to get the training -- but you can expect to pay fairly big money. If you're dealing with the expenses of your dog anyway, this extra burden could be too much for some families. It can pay off in the long run, but it leads people to wonder if they can really train their dog on their own.

Many people do successfully train their dog on their own! Of course, it's not enough to just "wing it" -- you need effective strategies that are proven to work. The good news is that there are books, e-books, and courses out there that can help you. Authors and product owners have realized that there is a need in the market for people who want to train a dog on their own. Not only is it less expensive, but it is very fulfilling to realize that you have trained your dog.

You should strive to learn everything there is to know about raising a dog, and training a dog. Reading this information on your own can help you become a better dog owner. Also, training your dog can help you and your dog become closer than ever before. Dog really is man's best friend, and when you make such a huge effort for the dog, he will realize it and you'll have a happy, healthy relationship.

The decision whether to hire a trainer, or to train your dog on your own is not an easy one. Examine your family's finances, and the amount of time you have to train your dog. Many people find that they would choose one of the courses on the market to successfully train their dog as soon as possible, with the most effective methods possible.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Essential Obedience Training -- What You Need to Know

Obedience training can have different implications depending on the age of your dog. If you have a puppy, it's best to start training around the age of six weeks and up. Doing so beforehand will be too early, and waiting too long will delay some of the positive benefits you could be seeing. However, some dogs will not be ready until they are several months old, so you'll need to be mindful of what your dog is capable of.

Puppies at this age are so incredibly young that some people worry that having formal sessions aren't good for them. The good news is that it is best to train them for just a few minutes a day, several different times a day. That way you can build up your obedience training over time as your dog becomes older and more receptive to training.

Dogs that are six months old and up are likely ready to be trained in a more formal manner. It is best to either hire a trainer, or take a dog training course to ensure that you have all of the latest methods at your disposal. You'll find that there are several effective courses on market that can help you even if you have never trained a dog before!

There are some people who have adopted an older dog, and aren't sure that dog is trainable. The good thing is that you can gradually make positive changes for the dog. The bad news is that it can be difficult if many of these behaviors and habits have been set for a long period of time. The important thing is that you allow the dog to get used to his new environment, and you should become as informed as possible about effective training techniques.

Clearly, obedience training is very important. You've already learned about the different types of training, as well as the usages of crate training. Now it's time to formalize your training plan by becoming knowledgeable and taking great strides to do what is right for your dog. It might seem like a long shot now, but the chances are good that you can have your dog trained perfectly, in a reasonable amount of time. Dogs truly are man's best friends, and there is absolutely no reason why you cannot successfully train your dog.

However, the longer you wait to teach yourself what to do, the more difficult it will be for you. Take advantage of this opportunity to learn what you can about obedience training and put the techniques into practice as soon as possible.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Dog Whispering -- Does it Work?

Dog whispering is something that many people are interested in these days. It was brought into the limelight by Cesar Milan, who has the TV series "The Dog Whisperer." People see how he immediately gets the dogs to adhere to his wishes, and it seems quite incredible!

While Cesar seems to have a special talent, others can learn to be dog whisperers too -- even you! It is all about understanding the dog's body language and communicating with your own body language. Dogs are able to sense what should happen when you get a grasp on doing this.

Dogs are social creatures by nature, and are used to living in a pack in the wild. They follow one another's body language frequently, so it comes as no surprise that dog whispering is such a successful training technique.

The first thing you need to realize if you want to try dog whispering is that you are the leader. Dogs can feel like they are the Alpha, and that they are in command. This is wrong, and can lead to problems with aggression and disobedience. If you establish yourself as a leader, your dog will adore you and will adhere to your wishes.

It is best for you to educate yourself on the body language of dogs. For instance, how they turn their head, walk, and make other movements can give you clues about what your dog is thinking and going through. Also, learning what to do with your own body can be extremely helpful in day-to-day life. Even if you are going to be incorporating a different form of training, it is well worth your time to learn about dog whispering so the two methods can work together.

To see if this is right for you, you might choose to watch Cesar Milan's TV program. It is quite incredible the first time you see it, and you might pick up some helpful tips as well. There are also some books and courses on the market that can help you become a dog whisperer. While to many it might seem "silly", it can be quite effective in helping you train your dog. It is all about creating a bond and understanding one another. All anyone wants in life is to be understood. This includes your dog!

Dog whispering is becoming quite popular, very quickly. The reasons are clear -- that's because it works. It's time for you to learn how to do this as well.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Effective Crate Training -- An Essential Step

House training your dog is one of the most difficult things you can do. Now that you have chosen a training method, it's important to address this specific area of dog training as well. Taking advantage of crate training is essential, as it can be effective way to train.

There is a lot that goes into choosing a crate. You have to be mindful of the size of your dog, and the size the dog will grow into if it is a puppy. Also, choose from the different materials that are available so your dog is as comfy as possible.

Put the crate somewhere where your dog can feel peaceful and happy. Make it very comfortable, so as not to intimidate the dog and make him feel anxious in his crate. You want only positive associations with the crate!

There are different situations where you will want to put your dog in his crate. If there is ever a time where you think your dog will get into something he is not supposed to, or you want to be sure he is extra safe, you can put him in the crate. Your dog will actually come to appreciate being in the crate, because he'll feel safe. You will appreciate the crate because you know your dog is safe, and that the items in your house are also safe!

The crate is very effective for house training (which is probably why you're interested in it!). The reason for this is because dogs do not like to go to the bathroom where they sleep. Since the crate will not allow them to leave, they will hold it until they are in a place with they are supposed to go to the bathroom.

It is important that you are very mindful of letting your dog use the bathroom often enough. This is especially true when they're the newest of puppies, as the bladder control is not the best!

If you want this method to be as effective as possible, you need to help your puppy develop good feelings about the crate. Toys, comfortable pillows, and food are positive items place in there. Your dog will learn that good things happen in the crate, and that is a safe and happy place to be.

If you have a puppy, it's an especially a good idea to start crate training as soon as possible. It will help you with your potty training efforts, and it will help to keep your dog safe and secure since you can't be there every second of the day. It will take some getting used to for your dog, but the efforts are well worth the positive results.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Common Commands to Teach Your Dog

Now comes the fun part! After you have worked on dog training methods, obedience training, and aggression control, it's time to train your dog with commands. When your dog is a puppy, he'll be ready to use some basic commands -- which is very exciting!

"Come" is one of the most common commands. You'll want your dog to come when you call him for a variety of different reasons. There are many different things you can do to make this more effective. For example, give your dog a reason to come; such as receiving a tasty treat. When your dog does walk towards you, be sure to praise him soon so he knows he has done something good. This will mean he'll be more likely to repeat the action in the future.

Many people also wish to teach the dog how to sit. Again, this is useful in a variety of situations, so it is essential to know. An easy way to do this is to ensure that you always say the words with the actual action. When your dog sits down, say the word "sit." You can also hold a treat over your dog's head and move it back -- he will naturally sit down -- and give the "sit" command.

In addition to teaching your dog how to sit, you also want your dog to be able to stay. This is essential to help your dog avoid dangerous situations, or to simply obey your commands for a variety of different reasons.

You'll also want your dog to be able to lie down. This can be a difficult thing to train, so be sure you're using the best methods. You have to repeat this method over and over again so your dog is able to learn what to do each time.

Yet another common dog training technique is to heel. This is usually used to ensure that your dog walks right beside you. It is especially helpful for puppies whose instinct is to run freely. Eventually, your dog should be able to follow you no matter which direction you go in.

Clearly, there are several different commands you will want your dog to learn. It is your job as your dog's owner to teach them these things. It's not just for your benefit, there are benefits for him as well. It will help to ensure that your dog stays happy and realizes who is the boss.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Understanding Your Dog's Body Language

It can be strange to think about understanding your dog's body language. However, it is important to understand that your dog communicates with more than just his bark! Learning what it means when your dog does certain things can be helpful no matter what training technique you choose to employ.

The first thing you should realize is that many dogs speak with their eyes. You can communicate a lot with your dog just with your eyes! This includes facial expressions, and you'll be surprised as to how much information you can gain, and how much information you can transmit, just by using your eyes and making eye contact.

Do keep in mind that in certain situations this type of eye contact may be read as being hostile. This can lead to aggressive behavior with your dog -- which leads to them having other problems. This is one great reason why it's important to study as much about your dog's body language (and how to use your own body language to communicate with your dog) as possible.

Realize that when dogs are in wild packs these signals are used to communicate with one another. Dogs try to do this with you as well. It is our fault as humans that we often do not recognize this, and the signals go ignored. Examples of signals might include yawning, sniffing, freezing, licking, turning their head, and other signals.

If you choose to recognize what these different signals mean, your relationship with your dog will be greatly enhanced. You'll be able to communicate effectively and meet your dogs needs and wants. Your dog might become frustrated if you cannot understand what the signals mean; which can inhibit your training progress. No matter what type of training you plan on doing, you need to be sure you know as much as possible about your dog's body language.

You also need to pay attention to your own body language. Do not act timid or out of control in any way. Dogs can read this, and it may cause some to try and establish their role as the alpha. This can lead to clashes in interest, and can prevent you and your dog from having a close relationship.

As helpful as reading your dog's body language is, it is surprising how few dog owners actually know anything about it. By taking steps toward understanding body language, you're well on your way to effectively communicating with your dog, and developing a long-lasting relationship.